Click on the Button and Vote Today!
Voting for the listed positions is open from June 1, 2016-June 30, 2016.
Please note: in an effort toward environmental responsibility, our voting process will occur entirely online.
Candidates listed have met, or exceeded, the minimum qualifications required for service
President Elect: Tonjia Grimble, Ed.D
VP Programs: Kim Sinn
Secretary: Jessica Merrifield
All 2016 elected Board Officers serve a two year term beginning July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018, with the exception of President Elect. This position serves in a a four year cycle, one year President Elect, two years president, one year past president.
If you, or other qualified members are interetsted in devoting volunteer time to SDAEYC as Nominations and ELections committee member, or in other capacities, please contact us today!
Nominations and Elections Committee
The Nominations and Elections Chair shall prepare a slate of officers reflecting the diversity of the membership of the Association solicited from the membership.
Committee Chair: OPEN